Oh, so you have a nice story idea, but you don't know how to put it into words? Well, you've come to the right place! :D (sorry my marketing skill sucks)I've got your back, don't worry. But first, please read and understand the rules:


I can practically write anything except smutBut I do have a kind of specialty. I am more familiar with psychological thriller and angst. I am not too familiar with comedy


$5 per 1K words+ $2 if the main plot ideas are from me and / or you don't give me any information about the fandom I'm not in (you can ask first if I'm familiar with your fandom)There will be no extra price, even if the topic you're going for is considered heavy... if you get what I mean. I'm not the type to judge someone based on what they like in fiction.


1. For personal use only
2. No deadline, please. I will try to finish it as fast as I can, but who knows when life will get hectic
3. Send me a DM to Twitter or Telegram (@allen_774) with this format:
Name (or your username):
Fandom, ship, character, etc.: (if it is for original work, you can go straight to telling me about your OCs)
Word count's range (min. and max.):
Main plot ideas:
4. After some discussion and we reach some kind of agreement, then I'll get to work! :D
5. When your story is done, I'll ask you to go to my ko-fi (gula_aren), go to my commission page, and pay according to our agreement. Then, I'll give you the story in Google Doc
6. Highlight or tell me which part you want me to revise. MAXIMUM REVISION IS TWO TIMES
7. If we're done with the revision, I'll send you the PDF file through your E-mail. Boom, your commissioned story is done! :D
God please let this be understandable this is the first time I'm opening an international commission LMAO

PORTFOLIO (if you can call it so)

AO3: 7allen4 / albanschair